AdNews’ series of articles, Account Madness, looks at the world of the account manager. In this piece, they talk to our Senior Account Manager Akshita Gopinath. 

How did you end up in account management? Was it by design or a cosmic accident?

A little by accident, and more by design. Stumbling into this field was accidental, but once discovered, I mapped out my journey to become an account manager.

Growing up, I was always fascinated by the world of advertising, captivated by the towering billboards, catchy jingles, vivid colours and catchphrases.

However, it wasn’t until I met my best friend’s mother when I was 16 that I took it more seriously. She was heading the brand team of a large telecom company, and after a few conversations, she invited me to join her team for a summer internship.

It was through this experience I grasped the significance of branding. While I realised writing and designing weren’t my strong suits, her belief in my insightfulness and ability to ‘get the job done’ gave me the confidence to pursue a career in account management.

One Bachelor’s (in Business Administration) and a double Master’s (in Marketing and Advertising) later, here I am.

Read the full article on AdNews.

Akshita Gopinath is a Senior Account Manager in our Melbourne office. 

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