Recent high-profile workplace reviews have got Claire Gallagher wondering if unhealthy workplaces are the new norm or if it has always been this bad. She has some guidance to turn things around.

Like many, I have watched with horror as the findings of the Nine Network’s internal cultural review were revealed with the organisation facing claims that sexual harassment and bullying are rampant, with allegations of grooming and a deliberate culture of fear.

Meanwhile, the ABC has been forced to address claims of racism. And we learned that 50% of female migrant workers have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.

What is perhaps most alarming is how long this type of thing has been going on. The potential number of people who may have been affected could be huge. And yet, it continues.

Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised given the findings of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s review of commonwealth parliamentary workplaces in 2021.

It appears that in some organisations, there is some very bad behaviour.

Read the full article on HR Leader.

Claire Gallagher is Employer Brand Director at Principals.

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