Low-touch, low-involvement brands can be grudge purchases at the best of times. But when money is tight, the passive grudge can flourish into something pretty nasty for brands. Still, there are ways to overcome this. Principals’ Tim Riches and Mary Winter explain.

Low-touch, low-involvement (LTLI) brands are the norm in many big Australian industry sectors like insurance, utilities and superannuation.

These are the brands people begrudge spending time with because they’re just not that interesting. They’re ‘set and forget’ with policies, payments and memberships rolling over from one period to the next unchecked – often to our detriment as consumers. Some companies like to think of this as loyalty, but it’s often just inertia.

Read the full article in Mi3.

Tim Riches is the Group Strategy Director and Mary Winter is the Insights Director at Principals.

Interested to hear more on this topic? Check out this episode of our Behind the Brand podcast, where Tim talks more about low-touch, low-involvement brands.

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