Mumbrella360 is where the industry’s best come to learn, connect and get inspired. And this July, we couldn’t be more excited to have three of our very own take to the stage: Tim Riches, Moensie Rossier and Dan Bradley. Here’s what to look forward to. 

 Exclusive research: How to forge high-value relationships with people who don’t want to think about your brand – Tim Riches

How do you build meaningful connections, trust, loyalty, and even advocacy, with people who don’t really want to spend time with your brand?

It’s one of modern marketing’s biggest challenges – particularly for low touch, low involvement brands that are a big, necessary part of our lives. Think insurers and super funds, telcos and toll roads, power and water utilities.

Based on exclusive original research and thought-provoking case studies, Tim shares his insight-based, actionable brand strategy starting for points for brands striving for more.

Brand: How to design for trust – Dan Bradley

Trust. It’s the foundation for any lasting relationship. Yet so many brands still struggle to build it (especially in low-touch, transactional environments). So, how do you weave trust into your brand experience?

Dan and the Principals AlphaLab team share their key Principles of Designing for Trust and how they’ve applied their methodology working with some of Australia’s biggest brands. Using real-world case studies, AlphaLab demonstrates how to build trust, unlock new growth, cut down on complaints, reduce waste and save millions, while transforming your customer experience.

Masterclass: The Tyranny of Empathy: What brands should not do with this powerful force – Moensie Rossier

Empathy is a mobilising force for positive change – and a ruthless emotional manipulator. While it can inspire mass movements like #MeToo and Black Lives Matter, it can also incite outrage and deepen divisions. Brands can’t afford to be bystanders, nor can they jump on the bandwagon.

Moensie takes a fast-paced tour of what not to do when it comes to using empathy. Think Coon cheese. Scott Morrison and his ‘as a father’ response to the Parliament House sexual assault allegations. Or the Tim Paine fiasco. Moensie shows the do’s and don’ts for brands to use effective empathy through positioning, culture, values and experience.

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