Heartbeat of the nation.
The Australian Red Cross Blood Service is well-known – and treasured – as the guardian of Australia’s blood supply. But not everyone is aware of its broader role – in milk donation, tissue typing and organ matching.
Our task was to leverage the positive associations of ARCBS’s work with blood, to create a greater awareness and understanding of their expanding services. As an organisation that relies on donors to survive, we needed an idea that would mobilise donors – while at the same time engaging the hearts and minds of healthcare experts, ARCBS’s people and the broader community.
Our recommended name – ‘Australian Red Cross Lifeblood’ – drew inspiration from ARCBS’s heritage, with a clear nod to its future. The word ‘lifeblood’ itself refers to the vital factor that gives something its strength. For ARCBS, it also has a dual meaning – donors are the organisation’s lifeblood, and ARCBS itself is Australia’s lifeblood.
A new Masterbrand strategy, visual identity and brand voice were developed alongside the new name, to reflect all the ways in which the organisation now saves lives.